Thursday, November 22, 2012

What can be done to maintain balance between people and the ecosystem?

It is difficult to maintain an even balance between the people and the ecosystem specifically in Madagascar because it is an island in which population growth continues to increase and resources are limited. One way to mitigate destruction of the forests is to find alternatives for agriculture. Instead of the slash-and-burn method, try intercropping different crops to avoid disease and monoculture. Or perhaps use growing a small, sustainable amount of one crop with larger distances in between.

Although the decree, passed in 2010, bans the logging of rosewood and ebony, there are many other trees that are endangered as well. In order to save the forests, there should be a strict regulation on which trees may or not be trimmed. Since the forest is so stretched out, an increase in national parks or reserves would further regulate the rules for logging.

By solving the two major causes of deforestation, the Madagascar rainforest may be able to maintain its size in the coming years. However, in order to recover the forests into its original state, we must identify what historically occurred on the island, replant rare species to get them off the endangered list, and remove nonnative plants. In addition, the prevention of forest fires would further protect the forest from deforestation.

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